Monday, August 12, 2013

The Big Move

We moved to Brooklyn on July 1st after selling our cars and packing up everything we own in a 10ft uHaul.  Here are some pictures from that first day!

My chauffeur was camera shy

Our first cloudy, hazy, foggy, rainy view of the city

Sitting in a uHaul for 6 hours straight can make you a bit loopy...

I'm not sure if I'm more excited to be getting out of the uHaul or to be arriving in Brooklyn!

Our apartment building! The second floor windows are ours

A building on our street that is covered in ivy

Brooklyn has a wide variety of architecture. Like this unique house on our street!

Newbie Tip: Get a roommate who already lives in the city. It's easier to find an apartment when you already live here and a seasoned roommate can help you adjust to city living.

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