Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Museum of Natural History

The Museum of Natural History is in a really gorgeous building right next to Central Park. This is another one of those great tourist places that is so huge it's not too difficult to escape the crowds (unless you want to see dinosaurs, tourists love dinosaurs!) It's also so huge that you can't really see it all in one trip. Add this to your list of inexpensive places to visit in Manhattan and head here when you're looking to escape the outdoors, no matter what the season.  Here are some pictures from our visit!

Confession time! These Subway pictures are from a different outing.

While there are several Subway stations around the city with unique decor, these 3D casts of fossils make the 85th St station a cool place to visit all on it's own!

Even the floor of the 85th st station has museum inspired decor!

I'm pretty sure the museum is unofficially dedicated to Teddy Roosevelt. 

Lots and lots and LOTS of life sized dioramas. Travis liked the peg-legged settler.

Dodo bird fossil

Hanging out with T-Rex

T-Rex towers over the whole dinosaur exhibit

Sara was one of my favorite characters in Land Before Time

More dinos!

I'm not really sure what this face is about. Cool giant armadillo thing behind!

Mammoth tusks are REALLY big.

A smaller Mammoth. Note how it is still very large!

A lot of sections of the museum were rather dark and not ideal for picture taking. Behind is a giant Blue Whale. It's kind of hard to tell...

PENGUINS! We'll have to go to the Central Park Zoo soon to see the real ones.

African animals diorama. 

That is a Zebra butt.  You're welcome.

Everything looked so life like

Elephants on parade!

Cheetah diorama

Rhinoceri! Or...Rhinoceroses.

Walking near the Museum of Natural History we discovered Lincoln!

This really cool fence was down the block from the Natural History Museum. We Googled the address to see what sort of building would have such an ornate barrier.  Turns out this is an apartment building. Not just any apartment building. John Lennon was murdered here.

Newbie Tip: There are several museums around New York that are operated by the city and only ask for a donation for entry. While the suggested donation is $20 per person if you're strapped for cash and looking for somewhere to spend the day these can be great places to visit! Just remember to pay it forward when you're not broke!

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