Saturday, August 24, 2013

Brooklyn Bridge, River Parks, & DUMBO

The East River separates Brooklyn from Manhattan and along the river's edge Brooklyn has developed several parks with great views of the city skyline.  This post is a collection of several trips to a few different parks in this area.  So far we've visited the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, the Brooklyn Bridge Greenway, Brooklyn Bridge Park, and Pier 1 (the park, not the store!).  We also traveled away from the parks one day and wandered through DUMBO, also known as the district under the Manhattan overpass. DUMBO is a "young" and artsy neighborhood with lots of galleries and vintage shops.

View of Manhattan from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade

Another view from the promenade

Enjoying the view from the promenade. All that construction below is part of recovery from Sandy

Obligatory tourist selfie on the promenade...we should be careful, this is becoming a thing!

Looking up at the Brooklyn Bridge from Pier 1

The railings on the Pier are covered in locks with messages and dedications written on them. Some in permanent marker, others with their messages engraved.

Travis seems to think if he makes a funny face I won't take his picture. WRONG!

A smile! Much better

Enjoying a beautiful day at Brooklyn Bridge Park

Only tourists are naive enough to stick their feet in the East River! Better to just sit back and enjoy the view

Brooklyn Bridge crossing to the Manhattan skyline

View from the Brooklyn Bridge Greenway

Sitting in the grass on the Brooklyn Bridge Greenway

Don't get confused! Brooklyn Bridge Park is under the Manhattan Bridge. I guess it gets it's name from the view...

Relaxing in the shade in the park

Manhattan Bridge Archway Plaza was converted from a road to a neat place to sit and relax in DUMBO

View from under the Archway. The light only caught the brick building at the end of the arch for a few minutes and it took us by surprise

Standing in front of the Manhattan Bridge Archway Plaza

There is a lot of street art in DUMBO

Newbie Tip: With views like this it's no wonder tourists enjoy the parks by the Brooklyn Bridge. For the same great views with a lot less tourists, visit the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. It's only 1/3 of a mile long and close to the other parks in the area if you feel like venturing into tourist territory!

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